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Department of Diagnostic Imaging
In Memoriam: Emeritus Professor Lenny Tan
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Department of Diagnostic Imaging Fellowship Programme
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Hand & Reconstructive Microsurgery
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Division of Rehabilitation Medicine
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Headache Service
Neurodiagnostic Lab (NDL)
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HIV Programme
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COVID-19 Resources for Older People
Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancretography (ERCP)
Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS)
Hepatitis B Trial
Liver Biopsy
Division of Endocrinology
Checking Blood Sugar Levels
Diabetes and Food
Diabetes and Ramadan
Diabetes and Weight Management
Exercising With Type 1 Diabetes
Finding support in your community
Flash Glucose Monitoring
Flexible Mealtime Insulin Dosing and Carbohydrate Counting
Hypoglycemia and Type 1 Diabetes
Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose)
Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose chinese)
Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose malay)
Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose tamil)
Knowing Your Insulins (for People with Type 1 Diabetes)
Living with Diabetes
Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels for People with Type 1 Diabetes
Our initiatives
Planning for Pregnancy
Putting ICR, Carbohydrate Counting and ISF Together (for people with Type 1 Diabetes)
Resources for People with Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes
Resources for People Living with Type 1 Diabetes
Resources for People with Diabetes
Sick Day Management (for people with Type 1 Diabetes)
Taking care of your feet
Travelling with Type 1 Diabetes
Travel Tips for people living with Diabetes
Trouble-Shooting High Blood Glucose Levels (for people with Type 1 Diabetes)
Understanding Diabetes
Understanding Diabetes Complications
Using Insulin
Using the Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF) to Correct High Blood Glucose (for People with Type 1 Diabetes)
Division of Dermatology
Multidisciplinary Vascular Anomalies Workgroup (MVAW)
APN Cindy Personal Story
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NUH Sleep Centre Services
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Radiofrequency Ablation Thyroid
Rhinology, Allergy and Skull Base
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Integrated Programme for Management of Depression in Adolescents (IPMDA)
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Department of Surgery
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Endoscopic Pituitary and Skull Base Surgery
Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
Glioma Surgery
Division of Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgery
Hernia Centre
Centre for Obesity Management and Surgery (COMS)
Breast Surgery
Division of Colorectal Surgery
Division of Neurosurgery
Division of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
National University Centre for Trauma
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Division of General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)
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Adult Liver Transplant
Adult Pancreas Transplant
Paediatric Kidney Transplant
Paediatric Liver Transplant
Department of Urology
Services for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
Services for Bladder Cancer
Services for Circumcision
Services for Cystoscopy
Services for Erectile Dysfunction
Services for Kidney Stones
Services for Overactive Bladder
Services for Penile Cancer
Services for Prostate Cancer
Services for Sacral Neuromodulation
Services for Subfertility - Male
Services for Testicular Cancer
Services for Transabdominal and Transrectal Ultrasound
Services for Urinary Incontinence
Services for Urinary Tract Infection
Services for Urodynamic Study
Services for Vasectomy
Women and Children's Health
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SF706A: Abdomen, Peritoneal cavity, Ascites / Fluid / Abscess collection, Imaging Guided Percutaneous Aspiration / Diagnostic Tap / Catheter
SF819A: Abdominal Wall, Inguinal/Femoral Hernia, Unilateral Herniorrhaphy (MIS/open)
SF820A: Abdominal Wall, Inguinal/Femoral Hernia, Bilateral Herniorrhaphy (MIS/open) - Day Surgery
SF820A: Abdominal Wall, Inguinal/Femoral Hernia, Bilateral Herniorrhaphy (MIS/open) - Inpatient
SF836A: Anus, Hemorrhoids, Hemorrhoidectomy with or without sigmoidoscopy
SF723A: Appendix, Various Lesions/Abscess, Appendicectomy with Drainage (MIS/open)
SF849A: Appendix, Various Lesions, Appendicectomy Without Drainage, MIS/open
SB801R: Radius and Ulna, Fracture/Dislocation, Open Reduction and internal fixation with or without bone grafting
SB826B: Bone (Upper Limb), Simple Implants, Removal (eg: K-wires, wires, pins, screws only)
SK717N: Nerve (Upper Limb), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Release (unilateral) (with Endoneurolysis)
SB709H: Hand, Flexor Tendon, Trigger Finger (Single), Release
SB710S: Shoulder, Shoulder Soft Tissue Injury, MIS/Open Decompression With Cuff Repair
SB808S: Spine, Deformities, Three-Column Osteotomy (Such As PSO, VCR, Total Spondylectomy Or Their Equivalent)
SB723S: Spine (Excluding Cervical Spine), Various Lesions, Posterior Decompression And/Or Discectomy Without Insertion Of Interspinous Device (1 Segment) Without Instrumented Fusion
SG709B: Bladder, Cystoscopy, removal of foreign body/ureteric stent
SG713B: Bladder, Cystoscopy, with or without biopsy
SG718B: Bladder/Urethra, Cystoscopy, with urethral dilatation
SF717B: Bowels, Endoscopic Ultrasound with Fine Needle Aspiration
SF718B: Bowels, Endoscopic Ultrasound without Fine Needle Aspiration
SA704B: Breast, Lumps, Imaging Guided Vacuum Assisted Biopsy, Single lesion
SA709B: Breast, Various Lesions, Trucut Biopsy, ultrasound guided or stereotactic (multiple)
SA710B: Breast, Various Lesions, Trucut Biopsy, ultrasound guided or stereotactic (single)
SA824B: Breast, Tumor (malignant), Simple Mastectomy with Axillary Clearance, with/without Sentinel Node Biopsy
SA827B: Breast, Tumor (malignant), Simple Mastectomy with Sentinel Node Biopsy/ Axillary Node Sampling
SA829B: Breast, Various Lesions, Trucut Biopsy
SA707B: Breast, Tumor (Malignant), Wide Excision/ Lumpectomy/Segmental Mastectomy/ Partial Mastectomy, With Sentinel Node Biopsy/ Axiliary Node Sampling
SA703R: Radiotherapy, Intracavitary Brachytherapy (Multi-channel): Cervix, Others
SI704C: Cervix, Transcervical resection (TCR) Polyp (<2cm), hysteroscopic
SI705C: Cervix, Transcervical resection (TCR) Polyp (>2cm), hysteroscopic
SI707C: Cervix, Various Lesions, Colposcopy, Laser Vapourisation/Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure/Laser Excision of Transformation Zone with Biopsy
SI802C: Cervix, Cervical Incompetence, Cerclage
SI803C: Cervix, Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, Cone Biopsy with/without laser
SF702C: Colon, Colonoscopy, fibreoptic with/without biopsy - Day Surgery
SF702C: Colon, Colonoscopy, fibreoptic with/without biopsy - Inpatient
SF703C: Colon, Colonoscopy (screening), fibreoptic with/without biopsy
SF704C: Colon, Colonoscopy, fibreoptic with removal of polyp (single or multiple less than 1cm)
SF705C: Colon, Colonoscopy, fibreoptic with removal of polyps (multiple more than 1cm)
SF706C: Colon, Colonoscopy (screening), fibreoptic with removal of polyp (single or multiple less than 1cm)
SF710C: Colon, Sigmoid, Sigmoidoscopy (flexible), Fibreoptic with/without biopsy
SL700R: Retina, Laser retinopexy, complex (subretinal fluid, vitreous haemorrhage, multiple tears)
SL700V: Vitreous, Intravitreal Injections
SL701P: Photorefractive Keratectomy/Phototherapeutic Keratectomy (for diseased eye)
SL704R: Retina/Macula, Grid and focal laser photocoagulation
SL705E: Eye, Glaucoma drainage implants eg. Ahmed Valve implant, Molteno implant, Baerveldt Tube Shunt
SL705R: Retina, Pan retinal photocoagulation
SL706E: Eye, Glaucoma, Cyclodestructive procedures
SL722E: Eyelids, Botox injections for blepharospasm & hemifacial spasm
SL801I: Iris, Various Lesions, Laser Iridotomy
SL801V: Vitreous, Various Lesions, Posterior Vitrectomy (pars plana/ sclerotomy/ lensectomy-extraction with Intra-ocular Lens Implant/ endolaser/ membrane peels)
SL803C: Conjunctiva, Pterygium, Removal with conjunctival graft
SL809C: Cornea, Myopia, Phototherapeutic Keratectomy/Laser in-situ Keratomileusis
SL815L: Lens, Various Lesions, Yag Laser Capsulotomy
SL846E: Eyelids, Tumor, Shaving Excision
SL718E: Eyelids, Various Lesions, Upper Blepharoplasty, Bilateral
Gallbladder & Bile Duct
SF801G: Gallbladder, Various Lesions, Cholecystectomy (open or lap) - Day Surgery
SF801G: Gallbladder, Various Lesions, Cholecystectomy (open or lap) - Inpatient
SF710B: Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) With Sphincterotomy/Removal Of Stone/Insertion Of Biliary Stent
SD707A: Arteriovenous fistula, angioplasty with/without stenting
SD707H: Heart, Cardiac Catheterisation (Left) And Intracoronary Physiological Assessment (Inclusive Of Pressure Wire) Without Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) - Day Surgery
SD707H: Heart, Cardiac Catheterisation (Left) And Intracoronary Physiological Assessment (Inclusive Of Pressure Wire) Without Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) - Inpatient
SD712H: Heart, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) + Stenting (1 Vessel), Complex (E.G. Retrograde Cto Intervention, Complex Bifurcation/Trifurcation, Iabp, Impella, Lvad), With/Without Ivus/Ffr Or Other Physiological Studies
SD714H: Heart, Primary Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty for ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction
SD716H: Heart, Heart Block/Arrhythmia, Insertion of Dual chamber Pacemaker (permanent)
SD731H: Heart, Valve (Repair / Replacement) - 1 Valve
SD802H: Heart, percutaneous ablation of arrhythmia circuit or focus or isolation procedure involving 1 atrial chamber
SD810H: Heart, Coronary Disease, Coronary Angioplasty (transluminal), with/without angiocardiography
SD811H: Heart, Coronary angiography (Selective) - Day Surgery
SD811H: Heart, Coronary angiography (Selective) - Inpatient
SD713H: Heart, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) + Stenting (More Than 1 Vessel), With/Without Ivus/Ffr/ Or Other Physiological Studies
SD742H: Heart, Coronary Disease, Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (Open/MIS/Off Pump)
SG802K: Kidney, Calculus, Extra Corporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL)
SG720K: Kidney, Various Lesions, Partial Nephrectomy, Laparascopic
SA712S: Soft Tissue (Lower Limb), Contracture, Minor Release
SB700H: Hip/Knee, Hip/Knee Therapeutic Arthroscopy
SB703K: Knee, Ligaments/Meniscus/Cartilage/Bone combined, MIS ligament reconstruction with meniscal repair
SB712K: Knee, Meniscus/Cartilage (small defects), MIS/open Mosaicplasty or OATS
SB715K: Knee, Meniscus/Cartilage, MIS meniscal repair
SB801B: Bone (Lower Limb), Deformities, Corrective Surgery with Internal Fixation with or w/o Fluoroscopy
SB810K: Knee, Various Lesions, Primary Total Joint Replacement (Unilateral), open/MIS/navigated
SF711L: Liver, Various lesions, Imaging Guided Percutaneous Biopsy (Focal lesions, targeted)
SF814L: Liver, Various lesions, Imaging Guided Percutaneous Biopsy (Liver parenchyma, non directed)
SC702B: Bronchus/Lung, Transbronchial needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph nodes, with or without Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS)
SC801L: Lung, Various Lesions, repeat/Multiple/Complex Resections
SC726L: Lung, Various Lesions, Lung Resection With Mediastinal Resection, Any Approach
SC718T: Thorax, Various Lesions, Imaging guided Percutaneous Biopsy
SF804T: Tongue, Tongue Tie, Release
SF814P: Parotid, Tumor, Superficial Parotidectomy
SJ701T: Thyroid, Various Lesions, Imaging Guided Percutaneous Aspiration / Biopsy
SJ802T: Thyroid, Various Lesions, Hemithyroidectomy/Partial Thyroidectomy
SM705T: Tonsils, Various Lesions, Removal with/without Adenoidectomy - Day Surgery
SM705T: Tonsils, Various Lesions, Removal with/without Adenoidectomy - Inpatient
SM716L: Larynx, Various Lesions, Direct Laryngoscope Examination With/Without Biopsy
SM700I: Inferior Turbinate reduction (submucous diathermy oblique radiofrequency)
SM700N: Nose, Nasoendoscopy/Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy (Single Or Repeat Examinations, During A 90 Day Global Period) - Day Surgery
SM700N: Nose, Nasoendoscopy/Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy (Single Or Repeat Examinations, During A 90 Day Global Period) - Inpatient
SH832P: Prostate Gland, Prostate, Benign Hyperplasia, Minimally invasive ablation
SH835P: Prostate Gland, Various Lesions, Saturation Prostate Biopsy - Day Surgery
SH835P: Prostate Gland, Various Lesions, Saturation Prostate Biopsy - Inpatient
SA701S: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Tumor/Cyst/Ulcer/Scar, Excision biopsy, removal of 2 or more or recurrent or complicated (adherent), excision
SA702S: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Tumor/Cyst/Ulcer/Scar, Excision biopsy, Lesion size more than 15mm in diameter
SA800S: Skin and Mucous Membrane, Various Lesions, Excision Biopsy
SA803S: Skin and Subcutaneous tissue(ear/nose/eyelid/face) complex lacerations, repair
SA811S: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Deep>3cm/Extensive Contaminated Wound, Debridement - Day Surgery
SA811S: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Deep>3cm/Extensive Contaminated Wound, Debridement - Inpatient
SA841S: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Hematoma /Carbuncle Cellulitis/Similar Lesion>3cm, Saucerisation/lncision with Drainage
SA842S: Skin and Subcutaneous tissue, Lacerations (deep >3cm/multiple) lacerations, repair/toilet & suture, with/without debridement
SA852S: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Tumor/Cyst/Ulcer/Scar, Excision Punch/Shave biopsy, Lesion size up to and including 15mm in diameter
SA853S: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Wound, Debridement <3cm
SA864S: Skin, Keratoses/Warts/Tags/Similar Lesions, Excision (more than 10 lesions)
SA831S: Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue, Foreign Body (Subcutaneous), Removal
SA868S: Skin, Scar (Extensive), Revision
Stomach & Intestine
SF700I: Intestine/Stomach, Upper Gl endoscopy with polypectomy/ removal of foreign body/diathermy of bleeding lesions / injection of varices / removal of single polyp - Day Surgery
SF700I: Intestine/Stomach, Upper Gl endoscopy with polypectomy/ removal of foreign body/diathermy of bleeding lesions / injection of varices / removal of single polyp - Inpatient
SF701I: Intestine/Stomach, Upper Gl endoscopy with / without biopsy - Day Surgery
SF701I: Intestine/Stomach, Upper Gl endoscopy with / without biopsy - Inpatient
SA704R: Radiotherapy, Intracavitary Brachytherapy (Single channel): Endometrium, others
SI701U: Uterus/cervix, Hysteroscopy, Diagnostic (without Anaesthesia)
SI712U: Uterus, Hysterectomy, MIS (Complicated) (>12 weeks)
SI725U: Uterus/cervix, Hysteroscopy, Diagnostic, D&C
SI804U: Uterus, Broad Ligament Tumor, Hysterectomy
SI815U: Uterus, Fibroids, Myomectomy (Complicated E.g. >5cm, Multiple >2, Challenging Location)
SI817U: Uterus, Genetic Abnormality, Ultrasound Guided Chorionic Biopsy
SI818U: Uterus, Genetic Abnormality/Fetal Maturity, with/without Ultrasound Guided Amniocentesis
SI844U: Uterus, Pregnancy, Complicated Caesarean Section (See Footnote for Definition of 'Complicated')
SB745J: Joint, Various Lesions, Joint aspiration/ arthrocentesis/ injection
SD707B: Blood Vessels, Subcutaneous Implanted Vascular Port, removal
SD722V: Vein, Various Lesions, Imaging Guided Peripheral Insertion of Central Catheter (PICC) - Day Surgery
SD722V: Vein, Various Lesions, Imaging Guided Peripheral Insertion of Central Catheter (PICC) - Inpatient
SE712L: Lymph node, Various lesions, Imaging Guided Percutaneous Biopsy - Superficial
SE801M: Marrow, Various Lesions, Diagnostic Aspiration
SD713V: Vein, Varicose Veins, Imaging Guided Endovenous Laser Treatment, 1 Leg
SI802O: Ovary, Tumor/Cyst, Cystectomy (Complicated, >5cm)
SG800U: Ureter, Calculus, Ureteroscopy And Lithotripsy With/Without Ultrasound
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Diseases & Conditions
Abdominal Injuries
Abnormal Pap Smear
Acne Vulgaris
Acute Bronchitis
Acute Kidney Injury
Acute Psychosis
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Adjustment Disorder
Oculoplastic and Facial Aesthetic
Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Airway Problems (Children)
Nasal Allergy or Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis
Paediatric Ophthalmology
Anal fissures
Ankle conditions
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Anorectal Abscesses and Fistulas
Babies with congenital surgical conditions
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety During Pregnancy
Asthma (Children)
Atrial Septal Defect (Children)
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder - ADHD (Children)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder - ASD (Children)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Blistering Skin Disorders
Autoimmune Hepatitis
Baby Blues and Postnatal Depression
Back (Lumbar) Pain
Knee Conditions
Musculoskeletal Oncology
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Benign Skin Growths
Big Baby
Biliary Atresia (Children)
Bipolar Disorder
Cornea and External Eye Diseases
Borderline Personality Disorder
Brain Injury (Newborn)
Brain Tumour
Breast Augmentation
Breast Cancer
Breast Cyst
Breast Lumps
Breast Pain (Mastalgia)
Bronchiolitis (Children)
Caesarean Section Births
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection
Central Sleep Apnoea
Cerebral (Brain) Aneurysm
Cervical Cancer
Chest Injuries
Chest Wall Disorders
Childhood Leukaemia
Chronic Cough
Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Colonic Diverticulosis
Colorectal Cancer
Common Vision Problems and Low Vision
Conception Problem
Conduct Disorder
Congenital Heart Conditions (Newborn)
Congenital Hypothyroidism
Connective Tissue Disorders
Conversion and Dissociative Disorders
Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery
Delusional Disorder
Dementia / Major Neurocognitive Disorder
De Quervain Tenosynovitis
Hip Conditions
End-stage Kidney Disease
Disorders of Sex Development
Dissociative Disorders
Drugs and Inhalational Injuries
Dyslexia (Children)
Dyslexia or Dyscalculia
Ear (Otology) and Dizziness
Early Pregnancy Care
Ectopic Beats - Abnormal Heart Beats (Children)
Eczema (Children)
Endocarditis (Children)
Epilepsy (Children)
Erectile Dysfunction
Extremities and Pelvic Injuries
Head Injuries
Factitious Disorder
Febrile Seizure (Children)
Fever (Children)
First Month Concerns
Food Allergy
Musculoskeletal Trauma Surgery
Shoulder And Elbow Conditions
G6PD Deficiency
Gallbladder Cancer
Ganglion Cysts
Gastric Cancer (Stomach Cancer)
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease - Surgical
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Children)
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Bowing of the Knee (Genu Varum)
Gilbert's Syndrome
Glomerular Disease
Graves' Disease (Children)
Growth Disorders in Children
Growth Restricted Baby
Haemophilia (Children)
Haemorrhoids or Piles
Hair Loss
Hand and Wrist Arthritis
Hand and Wrist Fractures
Hand Infections
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (Children)
Handwriting Difficulty (Children)
Headaches (Children)
Hearing and Language
Hearing Loss Management: Choosing the Right Hearing Aids
Hearing Loss (Children)
Heart Conditions of Children who suffer from Down Syndrome
Helicobactor Pylori
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Developmental Hip Dysplasia
HPV Infection
Pulmonary Hypertension
Hypertension and Other Medical Disorders in Pregnancy
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Impetigo (Children)
Interstitial Pneumonias (Other Idiopathic)
Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Infant Colic
Infant Constipation
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Influenza (Children)
Innocent Murmur (Children)
In-toeing Gait
Intraventricular Haemorrhage (Children)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Jaundice (Newborn)
Kawasaki Disease (Children)
Kidney Stones
Kidney Transplant
Klebsiella Liver Abscess
Larynx (Voice box) Cancer
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Limb Length Discrepancy
Limbic Encephalitis
Liver Cancer
Liver Cirrhosis
Liver Cirrhosis - Surgical
Liver Transplant
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Lung Cancer
Lymphoma (Children)
Major Depressive Disorder
Malignant Effusion
Malignant Mesothelioma
Marfan Syndrome (Children)
Mediastinal Disorders
Meningitis (Children)
Microscopic Haematuria
Minor Neurocognitive Disorder
Mitral Valve Prolapse (Children)
Mouth and Throat Cancers (Head and Neck)
Multiorgan Failure
Multiple and Breech Pregnancies
Nail Diseases
Nasal Polyps
Nasopharynx Cancer
Natural Birth
Neck Pain
Necrotising Enterocolitis (Children)
Neuromuscular Disorders - Nerve and Muscle Disorders (Children)
Neuromuscular Weakness
Neutropenic Fever (Children)
Nipple discharge
Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
Nasal Allergy (Children)
Nose Bleeds (Children)
Obesity (Children)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea & Snoring (including surgical treatment)
Ocular Inflammation (Uveitis)
Oesophagus cancer
Osteoporosis (Children)
Ovarian Cancer
Overactive Bladder
Pancreas Transplant
Pancreatic Cancer
Parapneumonic Effusion
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (Children)
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvi-Ureteric Junction Obstruction (Children)
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Periods and Menstruation
Phimosis - Circumcision (Children)
Pityriasis Alba (Children)
Pityriasis Rosea
Pneumococcal Disease (Children)
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
Precordial Catch - Chest Pain (Children)
Skin Disorders in Pregnancy
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)
Prostate Cancer
Psoriatic Arthritis
Pubertal Disorders in Children
Pulmonary Embolism
Reading Difficulty (Children)
Refractive Surgery (LASIK)
Renal Nutrition
Replantation Surgery
Respiratory Disease (Newborn)
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Children)
Retinopathy of Prematurity (Children)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Roseola Infantum (Children)
Selective Mutism
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Severe Sepsis
Sex and Sexuality
Sexual Dysfunction
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Skin Cancer
Skin Infections
Skin Pigmentation Disorders
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Snoring and Sleep Apnoea (Children)
Social Anxiety Disorder
Somatic Symptom Disorder
Specific Phobia
Speech and Language Difficulties (Children)
Speech Sound (Articulation) Disorders (Children)
Spinal Injuries
Sports Injuries
Stuttering (Children)
Swallowing Problem
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Tetralogy of Fallot (Children)
Thyroid Nodules and Cancer
Tic Disorders and Tourette’s Disorder
Tonsillitis Problem
Torticollis (Wry Neck)
Trigger Digits
Tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculous Effusion
Turner Syndrome (Children)
Twins and Multiple Pregnancies
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Children)
Ulcerative Colitis
Unintelligible Speech
Universal Hearing Screening Programme
Upper and Lower Limb Traumas
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Leakage and Incontinence
Urinary Tract Infection (Children)
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Urticaria - Hives (Children)
Uterine Fibroids
Ventricular Septal Defect (Children)
Viral Gastroenteritis (Children)
Voiding Difficulty
Vulvar Cancer
Wrist Joint Instabilities
(Central) Auditory Processing Disorder (C)APD
Subfertility (Male)
Gestational Diabetes
EnvisioningHealth - Changing Lives One Idea at a Time
Zeroing in on cancer cells: new therapy promises cure
Virtual eyes and neural networks
Search and destroy: Knocking down a deadly brain cancer
Pain in the neck: how to deal with a modern-day ailment
One-size-does-not-fit-all: the future of personalised leukaemia treatment
NUH leads in landmark move to recycle used IV fluid bags
NUH care turns high-risk pregnancy into miraculous birth
New organ preservation method to cut transplant waiting times
Frontiers of cardiac surgery
Delicious and sustainable keto diet
A closer look at headaches: types, triggers and the OTC paradox
Sleepless slumber in Singapore: a silent epidemic?
Mending young hearts: care for rare paediatric heart conditions
Hospital care in the comfort of your home
Hollywood's weight-loss secret unveiled
Golden years: a personalised approach to cancer care for older adults
Banking on fertility preservation
A ticking heart: young and healthy no longer immune
A smarter healthcare landscape with supercomputer-powered AI
Introducing the NUH e-Newsletter
Where care, teaching and research converge
The dawn of robotic tele-surgery
Outsmarting operational challenges with artificial intelligence
Uncovering hidden heart diseases
Sniffing out nose cancers
Hearing health on wheels: the drive for accessible audiology care
If genes could talk: tailoring precision medicine for Singapore and beyond
Recovery is the secret to better gains
Food for thought: healthy eating for healthy living
Innovate to Elevate
You are what you eat
When sound sensitivity is more than just a pet peeve
Unmasking the overlooked symptom of menopause
Providing affordable and sustainable healthcare
Pinpointing a rare disease in the nick of time
Less is more: balancing antibiotic use
Keeping a watchful eye on tuberculosis
Holding the reins of stomach cancer
A robotic step forward in kidney preservation
Building a digital-first healthcare system
A smarter way to go about healthcare
Tech-enabled digestive centre supercharges early cancer detection
A keen AI to enhance the early detection of breast cancer
New lease on life for girl with rare liver disease
Screening for autism early makes a huge difference
Safeguarding prostate cancer patients against radiation exposure
Bug bites: more than meets the eye
Turning the tide on chronic kidney disease
Accelerating the discovery of spine issues with AI
Banking on stool as a tool to treat diseases
Navigating the complex terrain of cancer with AI
Advancing genomic testing for individualised cancer treatment
Blood-based biomarkers improve the screening and treatment of liver cancer
Understanding and preventing high myopia in children
New centre provides holistic support to severe and critical trauma cases
Spearheading sustainable practices for a greener healthcare ecosystem
Delivering world-class stroke care and outcomes
Empowering trauma survivors to gain a new lease of life
Building awareness of a rare heart condition
A new spray of hope for gastric cancer
Cell therapy gives T-cell leukaemia patients a second life
Managing a rare condition with a sweet scent
AI helps alleviate surgical anxiety
Beating breast cancer with deep tech
Strengthening our commitment to delivering incredible care
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