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Headache Service

A subspecialty of neurology, Headache Medicine focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of primary and secondary headache disorders.

At the National University Hospital headache clinic, we treat all types of headache disorders such as migraine, tension-type headaches, and the trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (e.g. cluster headache).
The management of headaches is not just finding the appropriate medication. A proper diagnosis and a comprehensive treatment plan is often necessary. Treatment is individualized for patients and is focused on appropriate acute and prevention strategies in concert with lifestyle changes.

Expert headache care

Our objective is to provide comprehensive care for migraines and various headache disorders. Our specialists will work closely with you to develop a treatment strategy which will work with your life. 
We recognize that headache is not only a neurological disorder of the brain but is a disorder influenced by psychological, social, and environmental stressors. Headache disorders, such as chronic migraine, can be highly disabling, impacting domestic and professional responsibilities and emotional functioning. With this in mind, we strive to implement the most appropriate combination of pharmacological interventions with lifestyle modification to achieve the best outcome.

Out-patient service :
Most of our services are delivered at the out-patient setting in our clinic:
  • Comprehensive neurological evaluation and approach to treatment.
  • Individualized treatment plans based on the needs and preferences of each patient. Treatment options include: pharmacologic, procedural, and non-pharmacologic treatment options.
  • Communication with the referring and/or primary care physician.

In-patient service:

For more intractable headache patients, we offer an inpatient headache programme. 


Primary and secondary headache disorders may include:

  1. Migraine with or without aura
  2. Tension-Type Headache
  3. Cluster Headache
  4. Hemicrania Continua (HC)
  5. New Daily Persistent Headache (NDPH)
  6. Medication Overuse Headache
  7. Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache associated with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT)/ Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache associated with autonomic symptoms (SUNA)
  8. Trigeminal Neuralgia
  9. Many other primary and secondary headache disorders
Procedures Performed:
  • OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) injections for the treatment of chronic migraine
  • Occipital Nerve Blocks
Meet the team

During your visit, you will be attended to by our team which comprises of Neurologists and Senior Residents.
Clinical program members :
Dr Jonathan Jia Yuan Ong
Consultant, Headache service Programme lead
Dr Chan Yee Cheun
Senior Consultant
Dr Ho King Hee
Visiting Consultant

What to expect and preparing for your appointment

Preparation for your first visit begins well before your first consultation with us. We suggest that you spend some time to review your headache history prior to the visit.
What to bring:
  • List of prescription medications and dosages (current and previous).
  • List of medications that you are allergic to.
  • List of questions you may have.
  • Previous test results related to your condition.
Your first appointment:
You will undergo a comprehensive assessment aimed at diagnosing your headache disorder. We will explore your history in detail which we take to understand fully the nature of your headache. This history covers when the headaches began, their pattern, symptoms, and impact on your life. We will be particularly interested in your medication, past and present, and it is helpful to bring a list of this with you. There will also be a clinical examination.
Some, but not all patients may need additional tests or scans. 

At the conclusion of your visit, your doctor will discuss the treatment strategy with you and address any queries that you may have.
The keys to successful headache management are making the correct diagnosis, recognizing that lifestyle issues can play in perpetuating headache disorders, choosing the right treatment for the right person, and perseverance.
We aim to work closely with you and your primary care doctor to develop a long-term, effective treatment plan. Depending on your condition, you may also be assessed by doctors from other relevant medical specialties.

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